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National Ass`n for Rural Mental Health (NARMH) affiliates with NACBHDD

The National Association for Rural Mental Health (NARMH) will affiliate with the National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Directors (NACBHDD) effective January 1, 1014, enabling members of both organizations to participate in and share all meetings, webinars, and publications of both groups. Under the arrangement, NACBHDD also will assume responsibility for NARMH’s administrative tasks.
“This is an exceptional opportunity for both organizations,” said Patrick Fleming, NACBHDD Board President, who noted that "in rural areas, county directors are NARMH members" though they perform essentially the same tasks as NACBHDD members do in non-rural areas.  "This new arrangement brings together our joint interest in protecting and developing behavioral health services in rural areas.” 
Jerry Parker, NARMH Board President, said, “NARMH is excited about being  affiliated with NACBHDD.  Our organizations can both benefit greatly from this relationship.  We look forward to working with NACBHDD in the future.”
This new partnership will become effective on January 1, 2014, when NACBHDD assume responsibility for NARMH’s administrative tasks.
NACBHDD represents county and local authorities in Washington, D.C., and provides a national program of technical assistance and support through conferences, webinars, and publications. NARMH is a professional association committed to improving the availability, accessibility and acceptability of mental health services for rural Americans, linking the diverse voices of clinicians, researchers and consumers to high quality training opportunities, the latest rural mental health research, and best practices. 


