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Michael Walsh named fourth President and CEO of NAATP

Appointment of Michael Walsh as the fourth President/CEO of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP), the professional and advocacy organization serving the top management of leading US and international addiction treatment providers, was announced Thursday, July 12 by Kermit Dahlen, Chair of NAATP’s board of directors.

Walsh, who is expected to take up his new position in early August, currently serves as Director of Development for the Hanley Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, a CARON Treatment Center. He brings nearly 20 years experience in providing addiction services, including national and international experience as a lecturer. He holds a Master of Substance Abuse Counseling Degree and professional memberships in NAATP, NAADAC, and the Association of Intervention Specialists.

“We are very pleased to bring somebody with Michael’s background and enthusiasm into our organization," said Dahlen. "We believe Michael will bring us the kind of leadership we need to lead us into our next decade of growth as the leading organization of treatment providers. He is well acquainted with our field and the recovery community, and is passionate about what we as providers do.”

Walsh commented, “I am honored and feel privileged to be named NAATP President. NAATP has been an integral part of my vision for our field and I am looking forward to the opportunities and challenges we face. I plan to use all of my available resources and call on the collective experience of our current and former Board members to lead NAATP in the fulfillment of its mission to provide leadership, advocacy, training and member support services that assure the continued availability and highest quality of addiction treatment to those we serve.”

For at least the foreseeable future, the principal office of NAATP will remain in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with all current staff remaining in their positions. Current President Dennis Gilhousen will remain for a yet to be determined period of time to help assure a smooth transition of leadership.


