Keeping those at-risk out of jail
Recognizing that the mental health population in prisons and jails is a serious first step in resolving the issue. Finally, some communities are considering more innovative, community-based approaches to helping those with mental illness maintain stability and remain within a supportive environment.
In Indiana, a new mental health court in Monroe County is piloting an alternative program for at-risk citizens. The program is an outgrowth of changes to the Indiana criminal code, which focus on community-based treatment and rehabilitation services to those at risk.
The goal is to break the cycle of recidivism among those most at-risk. Grants totaling more $170,000 are funding treatment for low-level offenders. The grants have gone to a community corrections program—to hire a probations officer and a case manager--and two local service agencies--to provide a continuity of care and treatment services.
Read more about the Indiana program here.