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Behavioral Healthcare earns two national ASHPE awards

For the fifth consecutive year, Behavioral Healthcare has been recognized by the American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors (ASHPE). The publication received a 2014 Bronze Award for Best Case History for the article Adapting facilities to meet multiple population needs, which appeared in the May/June 2013 issue. Behavioral Healthcare also received a 2014 Bronze Award for Best Legislative/Government Article for the article Fraud in New Mexico: Credible? Incredible? which appeared in the September/October 2013 issue.

This year's awards for Behavioral Healthcare follow six awards in the past four years, including consecutive Gold Awards in 2010 (Best Special Report), 2011 (Best Editorial), and 2012 (Best Case History). 

The annual ASHPE competition honors writing excellence and insightful reporting among U.S. healthcare publications. Two of Behavioral Healthcare’s sister-publications in the Vendome Group family also won awards: Long-Term Living and Healthcare Informatics.


