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Lawrence Weinstein, MD
Lawrence Weinstein, MD
From insurers and regulators to providers and even patients, everyone in the healthcare ecosystem plays a role in enforcing coverage parity. Here’s how we can work together to ensure people get the treatment they need.
From insurers and regulators to providers and even patients, everyone in the healthcare ecosystem plays a role in enforcing coverage parity. Here’s how we can work together to ensure people get the treatment they need.
From insurers and regulators to...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ron Manderscheid, PhD
Ron Manderscheid, PhD
The uncomfortable fact is that our current behavioral health workforce no longer can cope with the volume of clients presenting for care, let alone the increasing numbers who are never seen.
The uncomfortable fact is that our current behavioral health workforce no longer can cope with the volume of clients presenting for care, let alone the increasing numbers who are never seen.
The uncomfortable fact is that...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ron Manderscheid, PhD
Ron Manderscheid, PhD
Our national system currently only serves about one quarter of all persons with behavioral health conditions. We must accord this crisis the same seriousness we direct to COVID-19 itself. Here are steps for a path forward.
Our national system currently only serves about one quarter of all persons with behavioral health conditions. We must accord this crisis the same seriousness we direct to COVID-19 itself. Here are steps for a path forward.
Our national system currently...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Tom Valentino, Digital Managing Editor
A report issued on Tuesday by the US Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Treasury identifies health plans and issuers’ failures to deliver parity for mental health and substance use disorder benefits and details how parity...
A report issued on Tuesday by the US Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Treasury identifies health plans and issuers’ failures to deliver parity for mental health and substance use disorder benefits and details how parity...
A report issued on Tuesday by...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Jena Grady
Jena Grady
The Biden-Harris administration's latest regulatory agenda has several measures with significant implications for initiating and continuing behavioral health treatment, as well as sharing health information.
The Biden-Harris administration's latest regulatory agenda has several measures with significant implications for initiating and continuing behavioral health treatment, as well as sharing health information.
The Biden-Harris...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ron Manderscheid, PhD
Ron Manderscheid, PhD
With a series of complex issues converging in 2022, those in the behavioral healthcare field must cut through the noise to balance the needs and rights of individuals vs. those of the community.
With a series of complex issues converging in 2022, those in the behavioral healthcare field must cut through the noise to balance the needs and rights of individuals vs. those of the community.
With a series of complex issues...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Tom Valentino, Digital Managing Editor
Health Canada announced it has amended its Special Access Program to allow qualified physicians to request access to psychedelic treatments for serious, treatment-resistant or life-threatening health conditions when other therapies have...
Health Canada announced it has amended its Special Access Program to allow qualified physicians to request access to psychedelic treatments for serious, treatment-resistant or life-threatening health conditions when other therapies have...
Health Canada announced it has...
Psych Congress Network
Tom Valentino, Digital Managing Editor
Pew Charitable Trusts has called on state legislators and Medicaid agencies to increase access to opioid use disorder treatment via telehealth by making temporary remote flexibilities created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic permanent...
Pew Charitable Trusts has called on state legislators and Medicaid agencies to increase access to opioid use disorder treatment via telehealth by making temporary remote flexibilities created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic permanent...
Pew Charitable Trusts has called...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ron Manderscheid, PhD
Ron Manderscheid, PhD
Our county, state, and federal public health programs have worked valiantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, but our failure to achieve a coordinated national action has been a foundational problem.
Our county, state, and federal public health programs have worked valiantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, but our failure to achieve a coordinated national action has been a foundational problem.
Our county, state, and federal...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Tom Valentino, Digital Managing Editor
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and the city’s health department on Tuesday announced the authorization of Overdose Prevention Center services. The programs become the first publicly recognized supervised injection facilities to open in the...
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and the city’s health department on Tuesday announced the authorization of Overdose Prevention Center services. The programs become the first publicly recognized supervised injection facilities to open in the...
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio...
Addiction Professional


