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Tom Valentino, Senior Editor

Tom Valentino, Senior Editor
Merger and acquisition activity is on a record-setting pace through the first 6 months of 2021, and industry observers from the firm Mertz Taggart expect transaction volume to accelerate for the remainder of the year ahead of a potential...
Merger and acquisition activity is on a record-setting pace through the first 6 months of 2021, and industry observers from the firm Mertz Taggart expect transaction volume to accelerate for the remainder of the year ahead of a potential...
Merger and acquisition activity...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive

Ed Jones, PhD

Ed Jones, PhD
A healthcare system that prioritizes maintaining health over fighting disease needs behavioral health at its core. The field of behavioral health can have a pivotal role through the concept of well-being the focus of healthcare as a whole...
A healthcare system that prioritizes maintaining health over fighting disease needs behavioral health at its core. The field of behavioral health can have a pivotal role through the concept of well-being the focus of healthcare as a whole...
A healthcare system that...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive

Hans Morefield

Hans Morefield
Tech played a key role in helping providers deliver patient care while offices were closed due to COVID. But looking at digital solutions as only a means to an end during an unprecedented crisis would be short-sighted.
Tech played a key role in helping providers deliver patient care while offices were closed due to COVID. But looking at digital solutions as only a means to an end during an unprecedented crisis would be short-sighted.
Tech played a key role in...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive

Ed Jones, PhD

Ed Jones, PhD
Behavioral healthcare will be properly valued and funded only if persuasive leaders make our case. Building trust is job one.
Behavioral healthcare will be properly valued and funded only if persuasive leaders make our case. Building trust is job one.
Behavioral healthcare will be...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive

Tom Valentino, Senior Editor

Tom Valentino, Senior Editor
With an initial commitment of more than $500,000, Ashley Addiction Treatment has launched a scholarship program in collaboration with the Release Recovery Foundation to help people of color access treatment by removing financial barriers.
With an initial commitment of more than $500,000, Ashley Addiction Treatment has launched a scholarship program in collaboration with the Release Recovery Foundation to help people of color access treatment by removing financial barriers.
With an initial commitment of...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive

Ron Manderscheid, PhD

Ron Manderscheid, PhD
Planning, implementation and assessment of public health interventions should include the participation and perspective of persons from disadvantaged groups.
Planning, implementation and assessment of public health interventions should include the participation and perspective of persons from disadvantaged groups.
Planning, implementation and...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive

Ed Jones, PhD

Ed Jones, PhD
Institutions need their own therapy from time to time since they can get off track. With the public maintaining mixed views on our work, our field might be due for some honest self-examination.
Institutions need their own therapy from time to time since they can get off track. With the public maintaining mixed views on our work, our field might be due for some honest self-examination.
Institutions need their own...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive

Tom Valentino, Senior Editor

Tom Valentino, Senior Editor
Ideal Option, which operates more than 60 office-based opioid treatment clinics across 10 states, has partnered with Safeway, one of the nation’s largest grocery retailers, to provide its services inside the wellness center at a Safeway store...
Ideal Option, which operates more than 60 office-based opioid treatment clinics across 10 states, has partnered with Safeway, one of the nation’s largest grocery retailers, to provide its services inside the wellness center at a Safeway store...
Ideal Option, which operates...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive

Tom Valentino, Senior Editor

Tom Valentino, Senior Editor
A report by multiple addiction treatment and behavioral health executives has brought into focus the toll that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken both on the mental health of the nation, as well as the treatment industry.
A report by multiple addiction treatment and behavioral health executives has brought into focus the toll that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken both on the mental health of the nation, as well as the treatment industry.
A report by multiple addiction...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive

Ed Jones, PhD

Ed Jones, PhD
Those with behavioral healthcare skills will be finding their place in a medically dominated world. Functioning as a siloed specialty will rapidly diminish over the next decade. The question is how it all ends and who will benefit.
Those with behavioral healthcare skills will be finding their place in a medically dominated world. Functioning as a siloed specialty will rapidly diminish over the next decade. The question is how it all ends and who will benefit.
Those with behavioral healthcare...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive


