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Ed Jones, PhD

Ed Jones, PhD

Ed Jones, PhD
With data showing that therapists who are better able to consistently form alliances with patients have better outcomes and other examples of individuals' health habits being influenced by those around them, the power of providers' social...
With data showing that therapists who are better able to consistently form alliances with patients have better outcomes and other examples of individuals' health habits being influenced by those around them, the power of providers' social...
With data showing that...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive

Khalid Al-Maskari

Khalid Al-Maskari
Patient expectations have changed when it comes to communication. With a shift to value-based care models, patients have more frequent access to and greater communication with providers. BH organizations should embrace new technologies to...
Patient expectations have changed when it comes to communication. With a shift to value-based care models, patients have more frequent access to and greater communication with providers. BH organizations should embrace new technologies to...
Patient expectations have...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD

Ed Jones, PhD

Ed Jones, PhD
While our field should ideally ensure that every professional has broader expertise on issues related to mental health, substance use and health behaviors, at least ensuring that everyone practicing in our field has certain core knowledge is...
While our field should ideally ensure that every professional has broader expertise on issues related to mental health, substance use and health behaviors, at least ensuring that everyone practicing in our field has certain core knowledge is...
While our field should ideally...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ron Manderscheid, PhD

Ron Manderscheid, PhD

Ron Manderscheid, PhD
To promote better personal and community well-being for everyone is a very noble goal that requires effort by all of us to achieve. An essential path toward this goal is to seek to reduce disparities and to increase equity in health status...
To promote better personal and community well-being for everyone is a very noble goal that requires effort by all of us to achieve. An essential path toward this goal is to seek to reduce disparities and to increase equity in health status...
To promote better personal and...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive

Tom Valentino, Senior Editor

Tom Valentino, Senior Editor
With overdoses soaring across the United States, groups that distribute the opioid overdose-reversal medication naloxone say they are struggling to maintain an adequate supply, and Pfizer said it could take until February for it to catch up...
With overdoses soaring across the United States, groups that distribute the opioid overdose-reversal medication naloxone say they are struggling to maintain an adequate supply, and Pfizer said it could take until February for it to catch up...
With overdoses soaring across...
Addiction Professional
Eric Meier

Eric Meier

Eric Meier
Focusing on four critical success factors while implementing measurement-based care will help providers improve patient outcomes, as well as their bottom line.
Focusing on four critical success factors while implementing measurement-based care will help providers improve patient outcomes, as well as their bottom line.
Focusing on four critical...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD

Ed Jones, PhD

Ed Jones, PhD
Change is coming for our field, and it is time to seize opportunities to have a voice in the debates and planning around the main determinants that will shape our future.
Change is coming for our field, and it is time to seize opportunities to have a voice in the debates and planning around the main determinants that will shape our future.
Change is coming for our field,...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ron Manderscheid, PhD

Ron Manderscheid, PhD

Ron Manderscheid, PhD
The Coalition for Whole Health has released a set of recommendations for improving behavioral healthcare, and given the degree to which the pandemic has exacerbated the strain put on the nation’s health system, the time is now to take action.
The Coalition for Whole Health has released a set of recommendations for improving behavioral healthcare, and given the degree to which the pandemic has exacerbated the strain put on the nation’s health system, the time is now to take action.
The Coalition for Whole Health...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive

Ed Jones, PhD

Ed Jones, PhD
The FDA is a regulator of medical products, including drugs and devices. As these products grow and impact consumers and a wide range of professional services, those in our field should be paying attention.
The FDA is a regulator of medical products, including drugs and devices. As these products grow and impact consumers and a wide range of professional services, those in our field should be paying attention.
The FDA is a regulator of...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
4 steps for flipping the script from autism awareness to autism acceptance

Yagnesh Vadgama

Yagnesh Vadgama
Behavioral health professionals can lead efforts to cut down delays in autism diagnoses, helping families seek expert care more quickly and improving health outcomes.
Behavioral health professionals can lead efforts to cut down delays in autism diagnoses, helping families seek expert care more quickly and improving health outcomes.
Behavioral health professionals...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive


