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Tom Valentino, Digital Managing Editor
While use of telehealth services for most outpatient visits has receded from pandemic levels, use of such platforms for mental health and substance use disorder treatment has remained strong, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and Epic...
While use of telehealth services for most outpatient visits has receded from pandemic levels, use of such platforms for mental health and substance use disorder treatment has remained strong, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and Epic...
While use of telehealth services...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Ed Jones, PhD
To overcome the stereotypes and mistrust that plague our field, we must first build public confidence in our efforts.
To overcome the stereotypes and mistrust that plague our field, we must first build public confidence in our efforts.
To overcome the stereotypes and...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Tom Valentino, Digital Managing Editor
While behavioral healthcare executives strongly support the use of measurement-based care, just 16% are using it and 33% characterized their organizations as “very familiar” or “extremely familiar” with the practice, according to a study...
While behavioral healthcare executives strongly support the use of measurement-based care, just 16% are using it and 33% characterized their organizations as “very familiar” or “extremely familiar” with the practice, according to a study...
While behavioral healthcare...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Ed Jones, PhD
As our field becomes part of the larger healthcare system, we will compete for resources inside these corporations. It will help if some of our leaders get promoted into these C-suites.
As our field becomes part of the larger healthcare system, we will compete for resources inside these corporations. It will help if some of our leaders get promoted into these C-suites.
As our field becomes part of the...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Ed Jones, PhD
While some practitioners in our field have long resisted it, measurement-based care may emerge as “the right thing” once everyone realizes we are a component of a healthcare system built on measurement.
While some practitioners in our field have long resisted it, measurement-based care may emerge as “the right thing” once everyone realizes we are a component of a healthcare system built on measurement.
While some practitioners in our...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Lesli Suggs, LICSW
Lesli Suggs, LICSW
Families who were already struggling before the COVID-19 pandemic have been pushed to the brink, and we are seeing the impact of that stress on their and their children’s mental health. Improving access to care is essential for meeting the...
Families who were already struggling before the COVID-19 pandemic have been pushed to the brink, and we are seeing the impact of that stress on their and their children’s mental health. Improving access to care is essential for meeting the...
Families who were already...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Ed Jones, PhD
Our anti-stigma strategy for behavioral health rests on the premise that public attitudes will change as people understand the medical nature of these problems. Attitudes are not changing, and we need a new message.
Our anti-stigma strategy for behavioral health rests on the premise that public attitudes will change as people understand the medical nature of these problems. Attitudes are not changing, and we need a new message.
Our anti-stigma strategy for...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ron Manderscheid, PhD
Ron Manderscheid, PhD
While President Joe Biden said that addressing mental health and opioid use will be major budget priorities for fiscal year 2023, there are steps the field can take in the meantime to make progress now.
While President Joe Biden said that addressing mental health and opioid use will be major budget priorities for fiscal year 2023, there are steps the field can take in the meantime to make progress now.
While President Joe Biden said...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Kasparas Aleknavičius, MD
Kasparas Aleknavičius, MD
New research has found virtual reality can clinically help patients with anxiety and depression, bringing new hope to people suffering with mental health conditions during this pandemic.
New research has found virtual reality can clinically help patients with anxiety and depression, bringing new hope to people suffering with mental health conditions during this pandemic.
New research has found virtual...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Ed Jones, PhD
In healthcare disintermediation involves removing intermediaries between the providers and consumers of care. Such disruption is currently being proposed by companies with new technologies. How might we join in?
In healthcare disintermediation involves removing intermediaries between the providers and consumers of care. Such disruption is currently being proposed by companies with new technologies. How might we join in?
In healthcare disintermediation...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive


