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Your ‘Top 10’ ICD-10 codes

The official countdown clock at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is keeping  time down to the very last second leading up to the ICD-10 deadline. On October 1, healthcare providers must throw out the old version 9 codes and begin using the new version 10 codes or they risk not getting paid. At least CMS is trying to be helpful in shepherding us all through the process.

For example, there are several free online tools to help even the smallest practices gear up. My favorite recommendation is the exercise of making a list of your top 10 most-used codes—whatever they might be at your facility—and referencing them in the ICD-10 dataset. You might find there are actually more than 10 codes you’ll need at your fingertips.

Here is our handy list--feel free to share it with your colleagues!

Behavioral Healthcare's Top 10 ICD-10 Codes


Source: Medivance Billing Service


