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Keys to a healthy organization--Patrick Lencioni

While funding—locating it, winning it, and keeping it going is a a top priority for many behavioral health providers , funding runs second on the list of importance for business consultant Patrick Lencioni, who headlined a Monday plenary session at the National Council’s 41st Expo in San Diego.

For Lencioni, funding is (just slightly) less important than what he calls the “ultimate competitive advantage” a sound organization that is free of the poison of internal politics. In his discussion, based in part on his business bestseller, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,” Lencioni outlined the elements of “healthy organizations” and contrasted them with the characteristics of unhealthy, unsustainable, and ultimately unsuccessful organizations.

Dysfunctional organizations



Absence of trust

Cohesive leadership—Healthy organizations have leadership teams that “share the same basic answers to the same basic questions,” Lencioni says. If leaders share similar views and priorities, resulting in what he calls “intellectual alignment,” infighting or politics are much less likely at top levels—a culture that is rapidly detected throughout the organization.

Lack of vulnerability

Openness—A willingness, and an acceptance of individuals’ willingness to share their limitations, flaws, and mistakes creates a culture of continuous improvement, that frees all from the blame game and creates a dynamic where limitations can be honestly challenged and new solutions can be constructively developed. “If you have a leader that can’t be vulnerable, you have to leave that person behind,” says Lencioni. “A leader must lead by being vulnerable.”

Lack of commitment

Clarity—Long after a management team is “clear” on organizational goals and objectives, an extensive communication task remains to bring along all layers of the organization. “You’ve got to overcommunicate clarity,” he says, noting a rule of thumb that says “you’ve got to say something seven times before people really hear you.”

Lack of accountability

Healthy debate—This factor replaces a leadership culture that requires “top down” compliance, rather than fostering the healthy debate, what Lencioni calls “the search for the truth,” that every organization, leader, and employee craves. “Too many people think that avoiding conflict is the goal,” Lencioni states,” when in fact “conflict and discomfort is good if you have vulnerability-based trust.” With this even heated debates can have positive outcomes, with no lingering ill effects. Such trust allows constructive (but not personal) debate, which he sees as the price of true commitment. Regarding conflict, he says, “You’ve got to go there. It makes you stronger in the relationship.”

Lack of results

Success in achieving results—True commitment is the key to real accountability,” says Lencioni. “And, behavioral accountability comves before results.” He likens leadership to a ministry, saying, “You’ve got to love your people enough to tell them the truth.”

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