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Products and services gallery - December 08

My Crisis Capsule
Theis and Associates, LLC offers My Crisis Capsule, a digital device for transmitting medical information and advance directives. A person in crisis gives the Capsule and/or the Crisis Card to first responders, who call the Crisis Response Transmittal Service (CRTS). CRTS immediately transmits vital information via e-mail with a password-protected attachment. CRTS’s secure database stores vital information such as a person’s current medications along with proper dosage, important contact information, and any records or information that the person consents, chooses, and instructs to be entered. Users are called every four months to update their information.

My Crisis Capsule plugs into a USB port, and no special software needs to be installed. It works with Windows, Mac, or Linux operating systems.

In addition, self-help wellness resources are preloaded into My Crisis Capsule. Step-by-step self-help toolkits to enhance well-being, directing users to local community resources and wellness prevention Web links, are included.

Anxiety disorders program for women
Remuda Ranch Programs for Eating and Anxiety Disorders has launched a new treatment program for women age 18 and older with anxiety disorders. The inpatient program treats women suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, (including OCD spectrum disorders such as body dysmorphic disorder or trichotillomania), panic disorder, specific phobias, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and anxiety disorders (not otherwise specified).

The minimum stay in Remuda’s Anxiety Disorders Program is 60 days. The time is used to stop negative behaviors, address critical issues, and help patients and their families. Therapies, occurring within a cognitive-behavioral framework and based on biblical Christianity, include exposure with response-prevention therapy, didactic presentations, skills groups, equine and canine therapy, art therapy, challenge course and recreation groups, movement and relaxation therapy, daily chapel sessions providing nondenominational biblical teachings, and spiritual growth groups.

Treatment Advocacy Center’s Web site
The Treatment Advocacy Center has a new Web site designed to equip supporters with up-to-date information and advocacy tools. The site provides supporters with the ability to stay informed about the latest information on assisted outpatient treatment in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The Web site also hosts the Treatment Advocacy Center blog.


