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Not Everyone is Happy with the ICD-10 Delay

While much of the response in healthcare IT to a possible one-year delay to the ICD-10 compliance date has been negative, not everyone is down on that possibility.

Indeed, in an interview with The Washington Post, Rob Tennant, senior policy adviser for the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) laid out some of the positives to another delay to the compliance date of the coding system. He said that “a thousand different cogs that have to work smoothly” in order for ICD-10 to run and that many of those “cogs” are not ready.

The delay is part of a bill that would also provide a temporary one-year patch to the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula. The bill passed the House on Thursday and will now be moved onto a Senate vote, which according to CSPAN, will come on Monday. If it passes both the House and Senate, it will likely be signed into law by President Barack Obama, sources say.

Read more at Healthcare Informatics.


