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National Council adds two members to its Board of Directors

The National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare (National Council) has announced the addition of Alan Hartl, Pennsylvania, and Edward Woods, Michigan, to its Board of Directors. These two men will join the lineup of healthcare leaders across the country that advance the National Council’s mission to ensure access to mental health and substance use services of the highest quality.

Alan Hartl, MS, is a licensed psychologist and CEO of the Lenape Valley Foundation in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Hartl has served as a clinician, teacher, consultant, manager, and has devoted his life to serving persons with serious behavioral health challenges. As a longtime active member of the Pennsylvania Community Providers Association, Hartl has advocated for behavioral health on the local, state, and federal levels. Hartl represents National Council members in Delaware, D.C., Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia on the board.

Edward Woods is the Prisoner Reentry Coordinator at South Central Michigan Works; a board member at Lifeways in Jackson, MI; and president of the Michigan Association of Community Mental Health Boards. Based on his experience in supporting a family member with mental illness, Woods is committed to improving outcomes through integrated health services. Woods represents National Council members in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

“The strength of the board cannot be overstated; each member brings to the table an understanding of community and a vision of National Council member organizations as change makers. Hartl and Woods join a board determined to take us from strength to significance and we’re honored to have their guidance,” said Linda Rosenberg, President and CEO of the National Council.


