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Book outlines model of equine-assisted therapy

The principles behind the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) model of equine-assisted therapy are laid out in the new book Transforming Therapy Through Horses. Co-authors Lynn Thomas (CEO of EAGALA), Mark Lytle and Brenda Dammann use accounts from EAGALA's case files to help bring the concepts of equine-assisted therapy to life, in both poignant and humorous ways.

A news release from the association states that equine-assisted psychotherapy's “effectiveness for many populations—including military veterans, adjudicated youth, those struggling with addictions, and families—has surpassed the anecdotal to become a respected form of treatment.”

The nonprofit professional organization EAGALA has more than 4,500 members in 50 countries worldwide. The founders of Touchstone Ranch Recovery offered financial support for the book project. The book is available on in paperback and Kindle formats.