ATTC Network launches initiative to facilitate substance use service integration
The Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network is launching a substance use services integration initiative that in 2015 will feature an online “community of practice” forum and three white papers. The initiative is designed to assist in strengthening the healthcare workforce's capacity to treat the growing number of individuals with substance use needs who now have insurance coverage as a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
An ATTC issue brief that was released this week outlines the positive impact that integrating substance use disorder services into general healthcare has on community health and wellness. Next month, an invitation-only forum on integration will feature speakers from several federal agencies.
The three white papers to be released next year are titled Health Reform and the Integration of Addiction and Health Care Services; Enhancing the Pre-Service Non-Specialty and Substance Use Disorders Specialty Workforce: Preparing Students to Work in Integrated Health Care Systems; and Workforce Development Through Clinical Supervision: A Promising Approach for Facilitating the Adoption and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices for SUDs in Health Care Settings.