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Integrated Care

A guide from the Center on Addiction and the Child Mind Institute outlines the benefits of integrated care for young people with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.
A guide from the Center on Addiction and the Child Mind Institute outlines the benefits of integrated care for young people with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.
A guide from the Center on...
Addiction Professional
The brain mechanisms governing addiction and stress are largely similar, and these issues should be addressed concurrently in treatment.
The brain mechanisms governing addiction and stress are largely similar, and these issues should be addressed concurrently in treatment.
The brain mechanisms governing...
Addiction Professional
A newly released report shines a light on the emotional toll that parental substance use is having on grandparents who are suddenly thrust into parenting roles again.
A newly released report shines a light on the emotional toll that parental substance use is having on grandparents who are suddenly thrust into parenting roles again.
A newly released report shines a...
Addiction Professional
A study suggests the importance of screening pregnant women with opioid use disorders about stress over access to healthy food.
A study suggests the importance of screening pregnant women with opioid use disorders about stress over access to healthy food.
A study suggests the importance...
Addiction Professional
Community education and intensive case management are among the necessary components for improving quality of care.
Community education and intensive case management are among the necessary components for improving quality of care.
Community education and...
Addiction Professional
A facility to open on Long Island in 2019 will aim to shorten the gap between research discovery and its application to improve clinical care.
A facility to open on Long Island in 2019 will aim to shorten the gap between research discovery and its application to improve clinical care.
A facility to open on Long...
Addiction Professional
A feasibility study offers signs that helping HIV-infected drug users navigate the healthcare system can improve treatment engagement and reduce the spread of the virus.
A feasibility study offers signs that helping HIV-infected drug users navigate the healthcare system can improve treatment engagement and reduce the spread of the virus.
A feasibility study offers signs...
Addiction Professional
A breakout session at the National Conference on Alcohol & Addiction Disorders sought a clearer definition of the role of spiritual care in addiction treatment.
A breakout session at the National Conference on Alcohol & Addiction Disorders sought a clearer definition of the role of spiritual care in addiction treatment.
A breakout session at the...
Addiction Professional
Claudia Black, PhD's plenary talk at the National Conference on Alcohol & Addiction Disorders used powerful stories to bring trauma vulnerability and resilience to life.
Claudia Black, PhD's plenary talk at the National Conference on Alcohol & Addiction Disorders used powerful stories to bring trauma vulnerability and resilience to life.
Claudia Black, PhD's plenary...
Addiction Professional
A nonjudgmental, informed approach will create a safe space for productive discussions with LGBTQ patients.
A nonjudgmental, informed approach will create a safe space for productive discussions with LGBTQ patients.
A nonjudgmental, informed...
Addiction Professional