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SECAD.10 teams up with Partners in Health to help Haiti

New York, NY — Vendome Group, publisher of Addiction Professional and Behavioral Healthcare magazines and producer of the SECAD.10 Conference, is teaming up with Partners In Health to help with the relief efforts in Haiti. The partnership is designed so that for every attendee registering for the 2010 SECAD Conference from now until the start of the show, Vendome Group will donate $35.00 to Partners In Health to help with the distribution of the much-needed medical supplies and services in the earthquake-stricken areas of that country. In addition, for every booth that is sold between now and the start of the show, Vendome Group will donate $250.00.

“As everyone knows and sees on the nightly news, Port-au-Prince, Haiti has been decimated by the recent earthquake, and is in desperate need of medical supplies and services. As a company that strives to advance the healthcare industry, we feel that it is very important for us to give back and to help those in desperate need. Partners In Health works to bring modern medical care to those in the poorest areas, and has been working on the ground in Haiti for more than 20 years. We are very excited about this partnership and know that our donations will help save lives,” says Eric Woods, V.P. and Managing Director of Vendome Group.

“Our goal is to not only save lives during this critical time, but to raise enough money to help sustain modern medical care in Haiti for a long time to come. It will be a very long road to recovery for that country. We are happy to be doing our part, and hope that other people will join us in that effort,” says Woods.

In 2009, the SECAD Conference attracted more than 100 exhibiting companies and 450 attendees. This year, the conference will be held at the Gaylord Opryland, in Nashville, Tennessee, on February 21 – 24.

For more information on SECAD.10, visit To donate directly to Partners in Health, visit


