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NCAD Goes Virtual in 2020

The National Conference on Addiction Disorders (NCAD) is going online for 2020.

In lieu of the two annual NCAD meetings (East and West), this year’s event will take place as a virtual experience that includes video content and live streaming with Q&A sessions July 30-Aug. 2.

NCAD’s producer, the Psychiatry & Behavioral Health Learning Network, successfully transitioned a sister event, the Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, to a virtual experience last month, with thousands of attendees from around the country convening for three days to hear from more than 150 speakers. 

“Given social distancing guidelines, we are proactively transitioning NCAD to a virtual conference in 2020,” says Learning Network director Doug Edwards. “We are committed to providing the addiction community the education it needs to effectively respond to the ongoing opioid crisis now exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic.”

Individuals who already have registered for NCAD 2020 East or West will have their registration automatically transferred to the virtual conference. Registration covers:

  • Four days of live education
  • Up to 60 CE/CME
  • 12 months of access to NCAD sessions
  • Access to the virtual exhibit hall


