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7 great tips for employee retention

Speaking at the National Conference on Addiction Disorders in Denver Thursday, Paul Auchterlonie, CEO  of Decision Point, outlined seven critical areas leaders should pay attention to when considering strategies to retain their employees. It’s especially important to keep your top talent in today’s market where there is competition for good workers.

“This is a business and a place where we want to provide the best quality care for families, and if your employee is not happy at your place and decides they’ll be happier here, I’m not going to apologize for that,”  Auchterlonie said.

Seven Tips for Employee Retention

1. Provide flexibility for work/life balance.

2. Communicate often so employees are clear on the mission and their role in maintaining it.

3. Recognize success, especially for millennial workers.

4. Offer professional development opportunities to earn employee loyalty.

5. Build trust by being honest and fair.

6. Give and receive employee feedback because it shows that you are invested in them and their success.

7. Provide a sense of purpose and meaning, reminding employees that you are saving lives every day.


