Volume 12 - Issue 6 - June, 2015
In April, the first training center for vascular clinical trials opened in Boston.
In April, the first training center for vascular clinical trials opened in Boston.
In April, the first training...
Vascular Disease Management
Rajeev Mareddy, DO; Jon C. George, MD
Division of Interventional Cardiology and Endovascular Medicine, Deborah Heart and Lung Center, Browns Mills, New Jersey
Rajeev Mareddy, DO; Jon C. George, MD...
The authors describe a rare case of delayed stent migration from the right popliteal vein to the right popliteal artery, resulting in pulmonary embolism that was successfully managed using snare retrieval and ultrasound-enhanced...
The authors describe a rare case of delayed stent migration from the right popliteal vein to the right popliteal artery, resulting in pulmonary embolism that was successfully managed using snare retrieval and ultrasound-enhanced...
The authors describe a rare case...
Vascular Disease Management
Transcollateral approach has afforded crossing success and ultimately successful treatment in many complex cases, but it requires finesse on the part of the operator.
Transcollateral approach has afforded crossing success and ultimately successful treatment in many complex cases, but it requires finesse on the part of the operator.
Transcollateral approach has...
Vascular Disease Management
Vinayak Subramanian, BS1; George L. Adams, MD, MHS2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina; 2Rex Hospital, University of North Carolina Health System, Raleigh, North Carolina
Vinayak Subramanian, BS1; George L. A...
This paper is focused on the techniques and tools required for successfully using the transcollateral approach to cross CTOs in the peripheral artery tree.
This paper is focused on the techniques and tools required for successfully using the transcollateral approach to cross CTOs in the peripheral artery tree.
This paper is focused on the...
Vascular Disease Management